Docker Containers
1. Install Docker on Your Laptop
2. Docker Hands-on
Either follow the tutorial at the
Getting Started Page
use the training videos and online playground at
Play with Docker Classroom
Docker Primer
- docker images = list all images
- docker image {ls, rm, build}
- docker rmi = remove image
- docker run imagename
- docker run -it imagename
- docker run -it –name=containername –hostname=myhostname image
- docker run -p ubuntu bash = map
port 8080 of the container to of the host
- docker ps -a = list all containers including stopped ones
- docker rm imagename = remove container
- docker start imagename = start a stopped container
- docker build -t imagetag imagedir
- docker network ls
- docker network inspect networkname
- docker network create -d bridge my_bridge
- docker run -d –net=my_bridge –name db training/postgres
Linux System Admin Primer
- ls, rm, mkdir, rmdir, cat, vi, sudo, su
- /etc = config files dir
- /var/log = log files
- /bin, /sbin, /usr/bin, /usr/local
- /home = user directories
- shell/env variables, echo, export, bashrc, profile, source
- tar, gzip, zip
- adduser, useradd
- chown, chmod, ls -l
- apt-get update, apt-get install, rpm
- ssh, ssh-keygen -t rsa, .ssh/, authorized_keys
- ip a, /etc/hosts, ping