Project: DBMS-backed Web Application

The goal of this assignment is for you to

  1. learn and practice how to build a DBMS-backed web application that addresses a realistic problem,
  2. practice the software engineering skills of requirement analysis, software design, implementation, and testing.

You are free to choose an application that is interesting or useful to you; however,

  1. your application must have at least 2 (html) screens.
  2. your application should deal with data that needs to be persisted in a DBMS.
  3. your application should BOTH write and read data to/from a relational DBMS (noSQL data stores are not allowed).
  4. your application must not be a trivial extension of Assignment 3.

You must build your web application using one of the following environment:

If you are not sure if your application idea would meet the requirements, please discuss with the instructor.

This is an individual assignment.

What to Submit to Laulima

  1. A zip file of the source code including DDLs for creating the DBMS tables
  2. A link to a 5-minute screencast/video that is a “sales pitch” to present and demo the application you have built. You can use the online tool to record the screencast.