Dr. Lipyeow Lim
POST 303E. 808-203-8018. lipyeow at hawaii dot edu
Data storage devices, timing and capacity, programming for files, hashed and indexed files, introduction to relational database systems.
SO 1: An ability to apply mathematical foundations, algorithmic principles, and computer science theory to the modeling and design of computer-based systems
SO 2: An ability to define the computing requirements of a problem and to design appropriate solutions based on established design principles and with an understanding of the tradeoffs involved in design choices
SO 3: An ability to use sound development principles to implement computer-based and software systems of varying complexity, and to evaluate such systems
SO 8: An ability to use current techniques, skills, and tools necessary for computing practice
3 credit hours
ICS211 or consent
Quizzes before every lecture/class (15%)
Quizzes are administered as timed quizzes using the Test and Quizzes section of Laulima BEFORE EVERY CLASS. Each quiz will consist of 10 multiple choice questions to be answered in 30 minutes. Each quiz can be taken only once anytime within the window between 24 hours before class to the start time of the class.
Homework Assignments (30%):
Project : DBMS Application Project (15%)
This is an individual project where the student will implement a database-backed web application of his/her choice.
Midterm Exam (20%)
Final Exam (20%)
Grades will be released and maintained using Laulima Gradebook.
Typically only the top N quiz grades are counted towards the student’s final grade (N is around 16 out of 20). This ensures that any intermittent problems with taking the quiz due to networking issues, server issues, personal issues that are beyond the instructor’s control will not adversely affect the student’s final grade.
For both mid-term and final exams, two letter-size pages of notes are allowed (either 1 double-sided sheet or 2 single sided sheets). Notes can be handwritten or printed. Calculators are allowed. Internet access is NOT allowed.
Late policy: work submitted past due date and time will receive zero credits.
Examinations: No make-up exams will be given.
Student Conduct: All students are expected to conduct themselves above and beyond the standard set forth in UH Systemwide Student Conduct Code.
Disability: Any student who feels s/he may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability is invited to contact the instructor privately. The instructor would be happy to work with you, and the KOKUA Program (Office for Students with Disabilities) to ensure reasonable accommodations in the course. KOKUA can be reached at (808) 956-7511 or (808) 956-7612 (voice/text) in room 013 of the Queen Liliuokalani Center for Student Services.
Introduction & Overview of Database Systems
Relational Model of Data
Algebraic & Logical Query Languages
The Database Language SQL
The Database Language SQL
SQL in a Server Environment
Midterm Review and Exam
High-level Database Models: ER models
Design Theory for Relational Databases: Functional dependencies
Design Theory for Relational Databases: Normal Forms
Constraints, Triggers, Views & Indexing
Overview of Transaction Processing
Overview of Storage & Indexing
Overview of Query Processing & Optimization
XML & Semi-structured Data Models
Project Presentation
Final Exam