Assignment 4: Design a Database


Design an ER schema for keeping track of the information about votes taken in the U.S. House of Representatives during the current two-year congressional session.

Your Tasks/Questions.

Q1. ER diagram (50 pts.) Give an ER diagram for the database. Be sure to write down all the the assumptions you have made.

Q2. Functional Dependencies (20 pts.) List all the FDs that hold for the database.

Q3. Relational Schema in Data Definition Language (20 pts.) Translate your ER diagram into a relational schema in the form of SQL DDLs. Choose appropriate data types for each attribute and include primary key and foreign key constraints.

Q4. Normal Forms (10 pts.) For each relation in your relational schema, write down whether the relation is in BCNF or 3NF, and if not give a violating FD.

Submission instructions