ICS 624 Course Project (100pts)

Milestones and Deliverables

Check the course schedule on the course website for due dates of the various milestones. The project proposal dateline is meant to help you start thinking about the project early. Your project can continue to evolve and change after the project proposal dateline.

Proposals should be posted in Laulima/Discussion List/Class Discussion and the title should be prefixed with "Proposal:". The proposal should contain the following sections:

Again, the proposal is an exercise to help you plan your work. While what actually happens may well be very different, try to be as honest and as realistic as possible in the plan.

You are not required to turn in code, but be prepared to show any code you wrote, should the instructor request for it for the purpose of grading. The grading of the projects will be based on the following criteria:

Peer Evaluation of Projects

You are encouraged to evaluate the project of your peers critically but constructively. You will receive TBD percentage points as extra credit towards your course grade for every evaluation that you submit

A Few Pre-defined Projects