Tasks ======== 1. Download and install ANTLRWorks. 2. Update your classpath to include the path to the antlrworks jar file 3. Download the antlr.zip sample code. Unzip it. 4. Look at compile.sh for the commands to antlr on the sqltest.g grammar and compile the testSQL.java program with the generated lexer and parser. You should also read testSQL.java to understand what it does. 5. Run TestSQL. Enter "create table mytabname (id int)" + Ctrl-C. 6. Run Antlrworks. Open sqltest.g. Add rules to parse a "drop table" statement. Test your grammar using the interpreter or debugger. 7. Generate the lexer and parser code again. Modify TestSQL.java. Compile and test that you can extract the table name from a drop table statement. 8. [Homework] Repeat the same steps to enable parsing of simple Select-From-where statements.