ICS 321 Course Project (100pts)

The goal of the course project is to The EMPHASIS is on the latter goal! You are free to choose an application domain of your choice (the application can be related to your work or interests). A web-based interface is not essential to the course project, but might be helpful. In order to help you manage your project activities and time, this project is structured in two parts:

Your Tasks


You are not required to turn in code, but be prepared to show any code you wrote, should the instructor request for it for the purpose of grading. The grading of the projects will be based on the following criteria:

Evaluation of Peer Projects

You are encouraged to evaluate the project of your peers critically but constructively. You will receive 0.25 percentage points as extra credit towards your course grade for every evaluation that you submit to:
The peer evaluation consists of 5 questions:
