Course syllabus for CIS 705 (co-listed as ICS 691E)

a. Course alpha and number, and course title.

CIS 705 Data Science Foundations

ICS 691E Data Science Foundations

b. Instructor name and contact information.

Lipyeow Lim

c. Course description.

This is a graduate course introducing all aspects of data science foundations covering ethics, policy, regulatory frameworks; the data analysis process; programming tools; data acquisition and cleaning; data analysis and mining methods; data visualization; publication, curation and preservation; applications of data science in various domains, industries and sectors.

d. Course objectives.

The objective of this course is to equip a graduate student with the processes, the knowledge and the skills required to tackle a data science problem in any application domain at the graduate level.

e. Student learning outcomes.

The successful student would

f. Number of credit hours

3 credit hours

g. Prerequisites


h. Textbooks, required readings

Readings will be drawn from a variety of sources including but not limited to the following:

  1. DSFS - Data Science from Scratch: First Principles with Python. 1st Edition. Joel Grus. O’Reilly Media. ISBN-13: 978-1491901427
  2. DMAA - Data Mining and Analysis: Fundamental Concepts and Algorithms. Mohammed J. Zaki, Wagner Meira, Jr. Cambridge University Press ISBN-13: 978-0521766333
  3. Think Stats 2e, Allen B. Downey.
  4. The White House, Big Data: Seizing Opportunities, Preserving Values (2014)
  5. Neil Richards and Jonathan King, Three Paradoxes of Big Data, 66 Stanford Law Review Online 41 (2013).
  6. Foundational Methodology for Data Science.
  7. The Data Science Handbook
  8. Booz Allen Hamilton. The Field Guide to Data Science (2nd Ed.)
  9. Solving Problems with Visual Analytics

i. Grading and Student Evaluation.

Students will be evaluated on 2 mini-project-like homework assignments.

j. Classroom policies

Standard classroom policies of the University of Hawaii at Manoa.

k. Weekly or daily schedule of topics and readings, including exam dates


Week 1: Data science tools (python): basic scripting.

Week 2: Data science tools (python): manipulating data

Week 3: Data science tools (python): data visualization

Week 4: Data Science Process and Methodology

Week 5: Ethics, Policy and Regulatory issues in data science

Week 6: Data acquisition & cleaning

Week 7: Data analytics: basic statistical analysis. Homework 2 due.

Week 8: Data analytics: regression analysis

Week 9: Data analytics: classification

Week 10: Data analytics: cluster analysis

Week 11: Communication, publication, curation and preservation. Homework 3 due.

Week 12: Big Data Tools, Platforms, & Technology

Week 13-16: Applications of data science in various domains, industries and sectors (4 weeks). Homework 4 due on week 16.