Part A: How does an application talk to a DB ?

In this exercise, you will analyze a database-backed application and identify how it “talks” to the database.

  1. Pick an application (eg. Amazon, Library, Music Store, etc).
  2. Identify the main functions/processes of the application. Find at least one function/process that would write to the database.
  3. For each function/process identify how it interacts with the database, i.e., how does the application code interact with the SQL environment ? What data is sent to the SQL environment and what data is retrieved from the SQL environment ?

Part B: Create a Cheat Sheet for ODBC and/or JDBC API

Read through the ODBC/JDBC sample code, referring to any online API documentation (eg. JDBC Tutorial, JDBC API, ODBC API )
whenever necessary, and write down the ODBC and/or JDBC API class/function names associated with the following tasks.